Monday, December 8, 2014

Week 6: Rose's Garden

Questions to Consider:

1.  Rose is an adventurer who collects seeds from her travels.  If you travelled, what would you collect and why?

2.  Rose has faith her garden will grow... even though she has to wait a long time!  Have you ever had to wait faithfully for something to happen in your own life?  Were you rewarded.... or are you still waiting?

3.  Rose's Garden is also a story of community.  How would you support someone like Rose?  Or how have you supported your community?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Week 5: Going Places

Questions to Consider:

1.  In Going Places, the teacher gives everyone the same kit.  What would it be like if everyone was exactly the same?

2.  Have you ever done something that didn't follow the directions given?  What happened?  How did you feel?

3.  The go-cart in Going Places was an invention by Maya and Rafael.  If you could invent something, what would it be and why?

4.  Going Places is about finding new ways to get to the same destination.  If you could go someplace, where would it be?  Why?

5.  How are you "going places" in your own life?

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week 4: Sky Color

Questions to Consider:

1.  Sky Color encourages us to look at the world from a fresh perspective.  Have you ever looked at something you've seen or done a million times in a new way?  How did it change your point of view?  What did you learn?

2.  Sky Color is about "thinking outside the box" and moving beyond your preconceived notions.  Were you ever surprised by something that didn't look or happen the way you expected it to?  How did you react?

3.  Challenge yourself to really look at the colors of the world.  Is the ocean really blue?  Is the grass really green?  Is a Fall leaf just one color?  What does that insect really look like?  Take some time to observe- go outside, look at photographs, etc and then use your imagination to conjure up an image of what you saw.  Share your experience here.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Week 3: Ish


Questions to Consider:

1.  Is there anything you do "ishly?"  Why do you do it?

2.  In the story, Ramon's brother made fun of him so Ramon didn't want to draw anymore.  But his sister encouraged him and he found his passion for drawing again..... Have you ever been discouraged by others' comments of your "ish" passion?  How did you feel?  Did you give up or persevere?  Has anyone encouraged you to keep going?  How did that make you feel?

3.  How can you encourage others in their "ish" passion?

4. Is there anything you have wanted to do but are afraid that you won't be good enough?  Try it and be proud to do it "ishly"!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Week 2: I'm Here

Questions to Consider:

1.  This story is about a boy who is 'different' from his peers.  What makes you 'different' or unique?

2.  Have you ever felt excluded from a group or have you excluded others?  How did you feel?

3.  What can you do to get to know others or include others whom you may not know well?

4.  The story ends with the quote, "For the world you may be one person, but for one person- you may be the world."  Who is one person that is your world or for whom you are the world?  Why?  How can we be part of the world for others?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Week 1: The North Star

Questions to Consider:

1.  What is the book's message about following 'the path'?

2.  Have you ever felt (feel) lost on the path?  How did (will) you find your path?

3.  Why does the book end with "The Beginning" instead of "The End"?

4.  What inspires you on your journey?  Who inspires you?  What are you good at?