Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week 4: Sky Color

Questions to Consider:

1.  Sky Color encourages us to look at the world from a fresh perspective.  Have you ever looked at something you've seen or done a million times in a new way?  How did it change your point of view?  What did you learn?

2.  Sky Color is about "thinking outside the box" and moving beyond your preconceived notions.  Were you ever surprised by something that didn't look or happen the way you expected it to?  How did you react?

3.  Challenge yourself to really look at the colors of the world.  Is the ocean really blue?  Is the grass really green?  Is a Fall leaf just one color?  What does that insect really look like?  Take some time to observe- go outside, look at photographs, etc and then use your imagination to conjure up an image of what you saw.  Share your experience here.

1 comment:

  1. Today was a beautiful windy fall day. And as I was walking I looked up at the clouds. Strangely i thought i saw white ice cream cones floating in the sky. Most people would draw the clouds round, with rounded corners, and fluffed up like pillows. In reality are imagination plays a big part about how we see things in the world nothing is just one thing or one color actually taking a second to look at something with an open mind can prove the world's perspective wrong.
